Maths this term
Secondary Maths has been busy this term! Read all about what each group has been up to.
Neptune and Saturn have been focusing this term on Place Value and Ordering numbers. This included numbers up to 1 billion all the way down to thousandths. They also calculated the interval sizes on different pieces, measuring equipment and number lines. We then discussed how these skills are used around all areas of learning; including Science, Catering, History and Geography, ICT and many real life careers.
Pluto and Jupiter have been working with the Cartesian Coordinate System, linear graphs and understanding and using the main linear equation of y = mx + c. They calculated slope, identified the y-intercept and interpreted what the line could represent. We then discussed how this skill is related to and used in Business, History, Science and many other subjects.
The GCSE Mars group is working hard on their GCSE Curriculum. This term they learnt about interpreting linear graphs to identify parallel and perpendicular lines along with revising the use of y = mx + c. We reviewed fractions and decimal numbers with the four functions. They have just finished working on rounding numbers to decimal places and specifying significant figures. We have just started collecting and representing data which will carry over into the new term.
The GCSE Mercury group started this term learning how to create accurate scatter graphs with a line of best fit, which they used to analyse and evaluate sets of data. Next they studied Equations of a Circle, including finding the equation for a tangent. We did some revision on graphing and solving complex linear equations. This skill was then used to solve linear inequalities, including finding graphical solutions. We have just finished solving simultaneous equations through graphing, substitution and elimination. A jam packed term!