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Highlights of Term 5

Highlights of Term 5

Here are some of the highlights from Term 5 to give you a flavour of all the different things our students have been doing since Easter.  Do look at our Highlights of Term 5 Gallery to see lots more photos.



Apple class has enjoyed exploring the world around them through newly learned map skills.  During the topic students have been using different types of maps to explore the continents and oceans as well as our more immediate environment - the school grounds.


Cherry class have been focusing on social skills and turn-taking within READY and PSHE lessons. The students have practised these key skills while playing board games and card games led by staff.  They have also been able to independently transfer some of these skills during break times when playing as a group with our small world toys.

In science, students have been busy learning all about our bodies and finding out how different key organs work to keep us alive and healthy. The knowledge that students already had was impressive and they were all very keen to find out more about how to keep our bodies happy and healthy. Students completed a range of experiments to demonstrate what our organs do, and experienced how different organs are affected when exercising and when meditating. The students also built a moving model skeleton.  Their engagement in this subject has been amazing!

Apple Maps   



In READY, Pine class has been learning about the importance of teamwork and resilience. Recently, the students were tasked with building a tower in pairs. However, they were only allowed to use marshmallows and spaghetti. The boys built some very impressive structures (one was even movable) and worked fantastically together. Funnily, the students found resisting the urge to eat the marshmallows the most challenging aspect of this activity!


Willow class enjoyed exploring the brass instruments during a workshop with the Berkshire Music Trust.  The tuba was the favourite with the students due to it's rather loud and deep tones!  More information on the workshop can be found in our Exploring Brass Instruments news article.


Elm class looked at nets of a building and created and decorated their own skyscraper. You can see some photos in the Highlights of Term 5 Gallery.


It may seem that students are playing see-saw, but in reality they are exploring how the length of a lever affects the force needed to lift a load...

Beech see saw

.... and here, pupils are investigating friction.

Beech friction


Oak Class have been taking part in 'what happens when we go to the doctors'. The children each took on the role of being the receptionist, doctor and patient.




This term The Earth class has been learning about different units of measure. One of their challenges was to measure out the ingredients using weighing scales to make Anzac biscuits. 


KS3: Exploring playscripts and preparing for success in KS4 English

This term in KS3 English, students are diving into the world of playscripts.

Pluto and Jupiter: The Tempest. Students are exploring Shakespeare's "The Tempest," focusing on themes of being an outsider and the effects of colonialism. They'll be enhancing their analytical skills and delving into the play's rich language and historical context.

Neptune and Saturn: The Cursed Child. Students are studying "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child." They’ll learn to use emphasis and intonation when reading aloud and engage in creative writing activities. Connections to Shakespeare will also be explored, highlighting timeless storytelling techniques.

KS4: Fine-tuning and final preparations

Mars: Paper 1 and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.  Students are fine-tuning their responses to Paper 1 and studying "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" script to improve their analytical and writing skills.

Mercury: Preparing for GCSEs. Mercury students are preparing for their upcoming GCSE exams. We wish them the best of luck and are confident in their success.

The Heathermount Herald

Here our young journalists are interviewing the headteacher for their "get to know your staff" column. Heathermount Herald is a termly newspaper run with the supervision of the English teacher, Laura. 

Heathermount Herald


Mercury class has spent most of this term going over some difficult topics in preparation for their GCSE Exams. The term started by finishing off Circle Theorems and Algebraic Fractions.

They have successfully sat Paper 1 on Thursday 16th May. Paper 2 will take place on Monday 3rd June in the morning and Paper 3 will take place on Monday 10th June in the morning. Both of these are calculator papers, so we will be taking a little time to ensure everyone is familiar with how the new GCSE calculators work.

The results will be out at the end of August. Please contact Craig D, Jax S or Zoe H for details regarding collection of results.

Mars class have all taken a Functional Skills examination this term. We are awaiting the results for the Level 1 students as these are externally marked papers.

Jupiter and Pluto classess have finished their unit on Standard Index Form and can competently swap between ordinary numbers and those in Standard Index Form (also known as Scientific Notation!). We had a ‘guest lecturer’ in Pluto too. 

They are now working on Angles in Parallel lines and Polygons where we have been constructing angles, triangles and special quadrilaterals. We used the visualiser in lessons to give all the students a chance to see how to use the mathematical equipment.

Finally, Neptune and Saturn classes have been studying Fractional Thinking, working with both numeric and algebraic fractions. They used various mediums to demonstrate fractional parts. We added, subtracted, made equivalent ones and even worked with algebraic ones!

Then we started to work on Constructing, Measuring and using Geometric Notation which will carry on into Term 6.


In Science this term, Saturn and Neptune have been studying Chemistry. They have been focussing on learning about atoms, elements, compounds and chemical formulae. They have really enjoyed using the molymods to create elements and compounds ensuring they were using the relative number of atoms for each element. 

They have been learning about Atoms and The Periodic Table". We looked at the different Alkali metals and investigated their physical properties, and then observed their reactivity with water, watching the reactions get more vigorous as we moved from Lithium, to Sodium, through to Potassium. The students loved watching Potassium reacting with water and creating a purple flame!

Computer Science

Some of our students had an opportunity to visit KCP Networks, an IT company providing solutions to the hospitality industry. This gave students a valuable insight into what it's like to work in the computing industry, the application process and the employability skills required for these types of jobs. They learned what KCP network is involved in as an IT company and were lucky enough to have hands-on experience of programming their IT systems, as well as trying out the logic and reasoning test that prospective employees have to do and receiving a lesson on CV writing. This gave the students a real insight into the world of work.


In History this half-term Nepturne Class have continued to learn about the Black Death.  Here is a summary from Isaac: “It was an extremely deadly disease that killed approximately 1.5 million people in Medieval England, and it is thought that it originated in Asia.The most obvious symptoms were black buboes, but although it was very easy to recognise, the medical knowledge available to them was very small so genuine cures were almost impossible to come by”. 


In Drama this term we've been looking at Commedia Dell'Arte. This Italian, masked genre uses a made up language, lots of non-verbal communication, and masks that cover the face. The students have been learning about the different stock characters and each character’s unique movements. They are currently writing notes on their own short story ideas, which will be performed as a class! 


This term there has been a big focus on playing musical instruments. In Apple class the children have been learning the PBuzz, a simple brass instrument with a Trombone mouthpiece. They have made some great sounds! 

Willow and Oak classes they have been learning the Ocarina. This is a small wind instrument that has four holes in it which are covered and uncovered to make different pitches.

Earth class have been learning about Jazz music and the importance of improvisation. They have learnt a Jazz piece which they have played altogether on the keyboards and then they have improvised their own sections.

Elm class have been playing some new instruments, a Dood and a Toot. Both have the fingerings of a recorder but the Dood has a clarinet mouthpiece and the Toot has a flute mouthpiece. The children are learning to play them, along with our new, easier to play recorders, and are practising a piece of music to perform together as a class.

Music summary

In June, Berkshire Music Trust are visiting primary to perform some live music for the children. There may also be an opportunity for some of the children to try the instruments


In one recent art lesson our year 7's learned about decoupage and decorated the backs of their chairs.

Decoupage example 1    Decoupage example2


Finally, the start of the summer term and time for the nice weather (wishful thinking). The secondary students have been developing their skills in both cricket and tag rugby this term. The students have engaged well and have enjoyed learning about the sports. Cricket is a very technical sport and the students have displayed real resilience and determination in working on their batting and fielding skills. I have also been really impressed with their understanding of the rules and regulations of cricket. Tag rugby has been a new sport that many students haven’t participated in before, but all students have shown a positive attitude in trying something new. 

The primary classes this term have been developing their skills in a range of racket activities. They have been exploring how to use tennis rackets and paddles correctly and have completed a range of different challenges using these. 

Next term we do a school favourite of rounders and with the Paris Olympics around the corner we will be testing out our skills in a range of athletic events. We are also hoping to host a rounders tournament here at Heathermount so please watch this space. 



Primary have been learning about dental hygiene, how to stay safe in the sun, mental health, who they have to support them and ways to take care of themselves. They have also started to look at the rights of children.

KS3 have been looking at the topic of relationships, looking at consent and the law surrounding it, as well as what makes a healthy relationship with yourself and others. 

KS4 have also been learning about relationships, but looking at extremism and radicalisation, how to manage conflicting views and misleading information. They have also been learning about different families, the roles and responsibilities of parenting, as well as marriage.

Mars class went on a trip to Bracknell this term, which they helped to organise.  It was an excellent opportunity for the students to practise their time management skills, communication and how to manage money whilst being part of the wider community.

Business Admin

Mars class have embarked on their Chocolate Enterprise Project proving to be great chocolate connoisseurs whilst attempting to be entrepreneurs. You will find pictures of the two groups, Chocoholics and Hampton Truffles, competing with each other with their recipes in the photo gallery. 


Jupiter made a traditional  dish from Indonesia - Rendang Curry. It is recognised as one of the country's national dishes and dates back to the 15th century. It comes from the Minangkabau region in West Sumatra

The students layered their curry with flavour. The recipe uses coconut water and milk, as this is in abundance in the area. The students enjoyed making it and took it home to serve with rice. 


The construction students are beginning their plumbing module. They are quickly becoming experts in using the pipe bending tool and the pipe cutters! They will soon be taught how to safely weld copper pipes and their fittings.


Horticulture & Forest School

It has been a very busy term in Forest school and Horticulture, students have been planting lots of vegetable and herb seeds in trays, pots and the allotment.  They have planted the planters around school with summer bedding and some students even learned how to use the lawn mower.

Earth had a trip to Longacres garden centre to find out about indoor plants, how to care for them and how much they cost while  the Horticulture qualification groups had a trip to Squire’s garden centre and completed a hanging basket workshop.