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Art in Term 3

Students of all ages have enjoyed taking part in a huge range of activities in art this term from collages and Gelli prints to 3D painting and self-portraits. Please see our Gallery for more examples of their work.

Cherry class have just started having lessons in the art room with Megan.  They are currently creating a piece of artwork based on farm animals.  Their first lesson was to produce a number of layered Gelli prints using farm animal stencils.  They did really well and enjoyed the experience. 

Apple class are working on the theme of holidays.  They are designing a tropical sunset collage.  So far, they have learnt how to use wax resist to create a palm tree as well as how to blend warm colours together to make their sunset skies.  I am really looking forward to seeing the final outcomes.


Willow and Pine classes are being introduced to large scale paper mache.  Focusing on animals and their habitats, each pupil is creating a 3D painting.  These include a koala, a falcon, parrots and a whale.  The pupils are definitely showing the skill of perseverance in this project and appreciating that sometimes making art is a lengthy process. 

Oak class finished making their bunny portraits using a section of an egg carton for the head. This was the first piece of work that they have completed in the art room and their enthusiasm is infectious.  They were given an element of freedom when designing their bunny but were also introduced to basic art skills. 

Elm class are learning about rivers and this same theme is mirrored in their art lessons.  They have been taught about the River Cut, a small river local to Ascot, and the wildlife found there.  The aim of the project is to create a collaborative poster that shows the type of nature found in the river.  Pupils have created their own dragon flies by painting with felt tips and will soon be recreating the fish found in the river and the foliage that grows on the banks of the River Cut. 

Dragon fly

Beech class have completed a short project called Who Are You?  It is a type of self-portrait.  Pupils created a background using simple images to present their likes.  Using a secret code sheet, they used strips of paper on top to represent other aspects of their life.  For example, a pink arch was used to symbolise that they have a pet.  The class enjoyed creating these unique and personalised artworks.

Mercury class have finished the self-portrait painting project and have worked hard to achieve some excellent results.  After learning to draw a self-portrait and studying the work of Van Gogh, they chose a colour to paint their face that represented their mood.  Opposite complementary colours were used to complete the remainder of the self-portrait. 


Saturn and Neptune have started a project that focusses on feathers, wings and Leonardo da Vinci.  So far, they have drawn a feather using pencil, coloured pencil and oil pastels.  Their favourite lesson was producing Gelli prints using real feathers.  This is a fast moving project which teaches pupils both 2D and 3D art techniques. 

Jupiter and Pluto classes are focusing on dogs as a theme.  So far they have worked hard to make a geometric dog which was constructed using coloured paper to create a symmetrical design.    This task helped pupils to develop their fine motor skills because accuracy was important.  

Earth class are learning about the design of totem poles, their history and uses.  In order to develop their use of colour and fine motor skills, pupils have created a collage of a totem pole head.  They were able to choose the colours that they thought were appropriate and had to cut accurate shapes to make the head symmetrical.  


Mars class have moved on to a new unit in their Arts Award course.  They are currently working independently to research different careers in art.  This includes the qualifications needed, what the job involves and the expected salary.