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Cherry Class

In Foundation, Cherry class have had a fantastic half-term of learning, creativity, and exploration.

Students have been exploring the exciting topic, "Farmyard Fun." Each week, they have immersed themselves in farm-themed stories like Spot Goes to the Farm, Scarecrow's Hat, Farmer Duck, What the Ladybird Heard, and The Little Red Hen, helping them to develop literacy skills through sequencing, describing, and retelling. Communication and language activities have included listening to farm sounds, using descriptive language, and participating in farmyard role-play. In Understanding the World, we’ve learnt about animal families, the life cycle of a chicken, and the daily tasks of a farmer. Through expressive arts, the children have created farm animal prints, made ladybird crafts, and even acted out stories with simple props.

Ladybird craft  Carrot craft

Alongside the farm theme, students have also celebrated Chinese New Year, exploring the traditions and customs of the festival. The children enjoyed creating dragon crafts, listening to traditional music, and learning about the story of the Chinese zodiac. It was a wonderful opportunity to introduce new cultural experiences and engage in sensory-based activities linked to the celebrations.

Dragon art1  Dragon art2

Dragon art3   Dragon art4

As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, the class has focused on emotions, self-expression, and well-being through sensory play, calming activities, and movement breaks. The children engaged in activities that encouraged them to recognise and communicate feelings, using visual supports and familiar routines to help them feel secure and supported.

Students and staff look forward to continuing their exciting learning journey after the February half-term break!